Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Returning to Mbitini

Praises to God for the time is drawing near to when I will be returning to my dear family in Kenya once again. The Lord has moved mountains and provided everything for this trip. Including flying for FREE this year. By the grace of GOD and American Express points that I had never cashed in since getting the card. What a treat!
God is also moving the hearts of others to want to go this year.
Thank you for these people God and for the way you always provide.
Unexpected things of GOD are so Wonderful.
I can't wait to see how these lives are changed. Those who are in Mbitini and those going with me this year.
Many things will be going on this time and it will be a whole month full of pouring into the lives of others. It brings me JOY to know that many will enjoy the Love of GOD and of each person that is coming along that will be able to give of themselves to these Beautiful People.
Light up the sky and bring Life into these people Lord I pray!
Refresh those who are needing it and pour your Spirit into those who are lost and without HOPE.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Psalms 91:3
Surely he will save you from the Fowler's snare

NO BIRD of PARADISE shall die in the Fowler's net.
Not one little sparrow shall fall from God's hands.

God's Kingdom is Paradise and when we except Christ into our hearts for the forgiveness of our sin's ...Christ comes in. The KING of Paradise and the ruler of LOVE. All the things that used to be.. are gone.
There is not one sparrow or one dove of God..not one little one that is the most Beautiful to HIM and that He does not LOVE. He promises to set you Free and to Protect you under the shadow of HIS Wings. His Paradise Wings! BIRDS of PARADISE are we all.
Some of us are Big, some small. some short, some tall, some thin, some fat. Some of us are here, some of us are there, some travel all over, some stay home.
Some of us are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandmothers, grandfathers. Others are step this or that. Many of us don't know our fathers or our mothers. You may be one who feels like a bother or you may be one who feels left out all the time. You may be teased, bullied, laughed at or laughed with. Hit on, pulled down, put down and not feel loved at all. Your heart might be heavy, weary, sick and sinking quick. Your hair may not be perfect and your smile might be not so white. Legs too long, feet too big, hands rough and blemishes on your skin. Some of you may feel left out, unwanted, not good enough. While others of you might feel really tough. Some of are so tired and worn out, while others are full of energy and want to Jump and shout. We cry and laugh. We get mad. We feel sad. Each one of us has our own set of rules and when others don't follow them we think they look like fools.
God's Kingdom is filled to the brim with all types of Birds, all Beautiful to HIM.
We don't have to worry about getting caught in the Fowler's net, we are
ALL important to HIM. His Bird's of PARADISE, chosen and protected by HIM!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

JOY to the WORLD

CHRISTmas is almost here
Let us celebrate differently this year
Make a JOYFUL noise unto the LORD
Grab someone you don't know
And tell them that Jesus loves them so
And for those who already know
REPEAT the sounding JOY to them
It never hurts to get a second blow

CHRIST lives
Happy Birthday, Jesus
From your KIDS

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanks In Giving ( Jesus Put The)

With a glad heart we give Thanks for the things we have
But what if we could give Thanks for the things we give
What if every drop of giving that came from our hands produced a crop?
One that kept growing and never stopped.
What would it look like to let God succeed
To give to others and not receive?
To stop trying to fill our every need, to give to others and not leave anyone out.
How would it LOOK?
Would our faces reflect sadness, anger and blame
Or would our hearts begin laying different ground work?
Could we be forever changed
Into HIS image
CHRIST that is
Who gave Thanks to God in All he did.
Not asking for anything in return
Only that we would turn,
That we would receive
Image the possibility.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Great is the LORD and worthy of ALL our PRAISE,
he watches over us all of our days.
He will never leave us forsake us,
that's a promise you know?
He makes us to lay down in fields of green,
and washes everything clean.
He mends the broken hearted,
sets the captives free.
He rescues those in trouble,
and laid down HIS life so that we may Live with the Father for All ETERNITY!

Thank you LORD for all you have done, will do and all your promises that are true.
Tonight I give Thanks and worship you.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Now I lay me down to sleep, my day has been filled with such sweet peace. I thank the LORD for all he's done and sing a song to HIM in special tone. One that rings of praises and heals my soul. I delight in HIS ways always and ask that he shows me more of HIS face as I rest. I ask that all who do not know the truth would tonight know. I pray that the Hearts of many would turn to HIM and HIM alone. Where are you going when you lay to rest? I pray tonight it is on the Fathers chest.